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Platform.sh awarded a €1.95M grant

25 June, 2015

In a highly selective process based on strict criteria around excellence, impact, and quality, Platform.sh was selected as a winner from a 3% shortlist of thousands of applications submitted by some of the most innovative companies across the 28 member nation European Union. The grant, will allow the Platform.sh team to quickly grow the engineering teams in order to accelerate the development of an ambitious roadmap, including support for other mainstream development languages, advancements on the Distributed Storage Grid which will make it easy to share all forms of persistent data between cloud and local environments, and of our hugely innovative Multi Cloud capability enabling deployments across cloud boundaries with seamless operations between multiple cloud providers (Amazon, Google Cloud, Azure) and on-premises private infrastructures.

Platform.sh aims at global leadership as a second generation Platform as a Service (PAAS), innovatively implemented around Linux containers. Over the last two and a half years it has developed a breakthrough technology that provides development workflow optimisation and automated infrastructure management for web applications. The company currently has a strong focus on the PHP world, the product is primarliy used for prominent technologies such as Drupal, PHP Symfony, WordPress, Zend, Magento (with support coming soon for Node.js, Python, GoLang, Ruby and Java). This hybrid offering, launched in July 2014, combines a global, seamlessly scalable, high availability hosting offering that can handle any amount of traffic with an unmatched Continuous Deployment (CD) workflow. Throughout the website’s life cycle, sites can be scaled and modified seamlessly without any interruption to the application, with web teams experiencing savings up to 40% in effort expended developing new features and managing change.

Less than a year after launch, Platform.sh can reference several hundred customers all over the globe (with as much U.S. customers as european ones), including the large global retailing brands Vivienne Westwood and Reiss, the French company Seloger.com, the US National Association of Groceries, Elgato.com, the South American media giant El Universo, the German start-up Flixbus and a large UK government organisation with 200 sites around the world.

“Our staff feels very proud to have been selected by the European Commission for this grant. We have had great customer feedback on our product, and that is our focus, but for engineers living on the bleeding edge, getting recognition, and support, in such a selective process, it’s a big thing. Platform.sh is well placed to provide global leadership in this second generation micro-container powered Platform-as-a-Service market, and we are made-in-Europe!”, said Fred Plais, CEO of Commerce Guys.

About Commerce Guys

Commerce Guys is the software vendor of Platform.sh and Drupal Commerce, an eCommerce PHP application PHP that powers 60,000 eCommerce sites worldwide. Funded by private investors, Commerce Guys has raised $12M to date and have 45 employees split between the US and Europe.

Develop and host on Platform.sh Follow us on Twitter (@platformsh) Learn more about using Platform.sh at an upcoming demo.

About Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 is the biggest European Union Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market. Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe’s global competitiveness.

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Supported by Horizon 2020's SME Instrument - European Commission 🇪🇺