Platform.sh–deploying the future of content with one click
Platform.sh enables developers to launch Strapi, the leading open-source headless CMS
Developers and content editors are faced with a choice: either invest time in configuring, running, and securing the tools they use to power digital experiences, or spend time actually building those experiences that engage users and drive revenue. Now, with the combination of Platform.sh and Strapi, they no longer have to choose between building infrastructure and creating value.
Strapi gives developers a robust API to power anything from websites to apps to set-top boxes with an extensible, editor-friendly content management system (CMS) interface. Platform.sh now enables Strapi to deploy new, headless CMS instances on demand, with zero infrastructure investment.
Why open-source headless CMS is the future of digital experience
Digital experience is no longer monolithic. To reach users where they are, developers need a CMS that can deliver to a wide range of channels and devices. Legacy CMS platforms force developers to use a single stack that locks the end-user and administrator interfaces together rigidly.
“Strapi decouples CMS from the presentation layer,” said Chris Yates, VP of marketing, Platform.sh. “This provides a ‘headless’ content distribution platform (driven by APIs and technologies like GraphQL) that developers can easily integrate with a variety of front-end tools. Strapi is also open source, meaning developers can augment and extend its capabilities on their own and benefit from the contributions of an active community.”
Running software instead of managing infrastructure and DevOps
Platform.sh and Strapi share a critical belief: that developers should be able to focus on creating value, rather than on tedious tasks like patching software, running infrastructure, and maintaining DevOps processes. Platform.sh provides an end-to-end Platform-as-a-Service that enables developers to drop in their applications and run them at scale with governance and security.
Platform.sh supports a range of programming languages—eight in all—from Node.js to PHP to Java. It also offers a “batteries included” approach to infrastructure, including databases, networking, and storage, where services are defined as code and are deployed in moments in secure containers. Platform.sh provides all this without the expense and complexity of tools like Kubernetes or the investment of DIY solutions on public cloud providers.
Deploying software in moments with the click of a button
“The ability of Platform.sh to deploy and manage polyglot applications at scale gives companies like Strapi the ability to focus on their core business rather than investing in complex infrastructure to build a SaaS,” said Victor Coisne, VP of marketing, Strapi. “Now, with a click of a Deploy on Platform.sh button, a Strapi prospect or customer can get a new instance of Strapi in a few moments in whatever region (US, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Germany, UK, or France) and cloud (AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure) they choose. Almost instantly, they can be working within Strapi’s administrative tools to build their own content API.”
Try Strapi now on Platform.sh:
About Platform.sh
Platform.sh is the end-to-end web platform for agile teams. It enables organizations to build, evolve, and scale their website fleet—with zero infrastructure management investment. Platform.sh includes application hosting, CI/CD, automated updates, global 24x7 support. And much more. Organizations like Hachette, the University of Missouri, Unity, and the world’s largest consumer products companies rely on Platform.sh to operate their website fleets.
For Platform.sh:
Worldwide: Ed Zitron ed@ezpr.com
France: Pierre Gatey pierre@agenceraoul.com