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Single and multi-site search with Meilisearch and Platform.sh

Hosted by

Chad Carlson
Chad Carlson
Manager, Developer Relations

Whether you’re running an online store and need users to be able to find items for sale, or an LMS filled with hundreds of courses, chances are your application needs some kind of search engine.

Our team found themselves in that situation recently with our public documentation. In the process of determining how we wanted to handle search, we found a new tool called Meilisearch, which has clear documentation and a simple set of methods for posting an index and customizing the ranking of results via a Python client library.

We will cover:

  • Meilisearch as a search engine option
  • Deploying Meilisearch in a separate application container
  • How our public documentation migration went multi-app
  • Indexing Hugo sites during build, posting to Meilisearch and customizing results
  • Adding multiple indexes for our other Platform.sh, turning our search into a single unified cross-site search engine.

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