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Platform.sh launches new public region in Zurich

01 February, 2024

The Platform.sh PaaS seeks to empower customers to meet sustainability, data localisation and compliance requirements with the launch of their new Switzerland region

Paris, 1st February 2024 - Platform.sh, a unified, secure, enterprise-grade platform for building, running and scaling web applications, today announces the availability of their new public region. Platform.sh is now available out of the Google Cloud region in Zurich, Switzerland, making it easier for customers to choose the right option to meet their sustainability, data localisation and compliance needs.

The new region availability has been launched in response to increasing demand from Swiss businesses that want to ensure their data is held locally, and from businesses with an international footprint with needs in Switzerland. Zurich is recognised as a leading European city for technological innovation, particularly in financial services, and is host to a number of global tech giants.

In late 2023, Switzerland updated its data protection rules. revFADP, or the revised Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection, aims to align the country’s data protection rules with the GDPR. Those storing and processing data of Swiss citizens will need to meet the requirements of this new law, and easier data localisation will be key.

Switzerland’s leadership in sustainable energy makes it an attractive data location for any business looking to reduce its carbon footprint. Adding Switzerland as a region, with its use of low-carbon and renewable energy sources, means Platform.sh now offers greener options in seven regions across five countries. With more businesses required to report their environmental impact under the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)—and many more expected to do so by 2026—Platform.sh offers a simple way to make a difference in this increasingly important area.

As a cloud-agnostic Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Platform.sh makes it simple to choose between regions to meet sustainability and compliance requirements.

Mathieu Strauch, Senior Enterprise Account Executive, Platform.sh: “Global businesses need to comply with a complex web of regional data privacy and security laws. Local businesses want to strive to keep their customers’ data easily accessible. Both are best served by being able to choose where their data is stored. Platform.sh enables this choice by offering services out of a growing number of datacenter regions, allowing businesses to comply with data sovereignty laws while efficiently serving their customers’ needs. Expanding our multi-cloud reach into Zurich means our customers can deploy globally and comply locally.”

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