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Hiring interns

10 August, 2015
Ori Pekelman
Ori Pekelman
Chief Strategy Officer

Platform.sh, the award-winning Platform-as-a-Service solution from Paris, France, is offering internships to aspiring ambitious cloud engineers. Platform.sh is a second generation PaaS. If you know Heroku, it is something similar, just better.

Do you want hands-on experience with a state of the art container-based high availability cloud infrastructure?

Does working with Python, Go, Clojure, and so on interest you? Does working with a distributed team of world-class experts in distributed computing sound like an experience you want on your resumé? Would you like some experience with an infrastructure that uses Zookeeper, Kafka, Riemann, Puppet, Ceph, and a broad assortment of Python libraries?

We don’t expect you to be an expert, but you should be abreast of current technologies, know and use Linux, use Git, and have an understanding of how networks operate.

We also expect you to be able to code in multiple programming languages (although you will probably not be contributing code directly to the main core, not just yet, anyway).

A PaaS is a weird piece of software. In a way, it is the new form of the Operating System. It runs other software. It should be able to run any application (and in the world of the Web, applications can be very wild things).

Your main job will be to create packages and example configurations of various applications and infrastructure elements, so already having experience with web applications is a serious plus. This can include PHP applications like Drupal and WordPress, or experience with other tools, like Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Django, and others.

We take internships seriously, and these are the first opportunities we are opening up. You will have serious mentoring. You will be able to see how an ambitious startup rises.

Depending on how you perform, you might get opportunities to contribute to some of our core projects, or participate in international events and conferences.

You’ll get the most from these learning opportunities if you’re in the same room as some of our other engineers, so you should be willing to relocate to Paris. Many of us speak French, but we use English for all of our professional communications within the team, so a degree of fluency is required.

To apply write to jobs@platform.sh with the title “Dev Internship”, please include a short motivation and description of what you’ve been up-to until now. It’s never a bad thing to point us to your Github/Bitbucket account, or to any other # software contributions you’ve made. Be concise, yet thorough.

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