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Running with FrankenPHP on Platform.sh

09 Sep, 2024
Florent Huck
Florent Huck
DevRel Engineer

As developers we’re always on the lookout for ways to boost application performance and streamline the development process. Whether managing a Symfony application or any other modern PHP framework, to deploy quickly, efficiently, and with enhanced speed is the crucial goal we all want to achieve. 

To speed up your search for answers to optimal optimization, we’re here to show you how to use and configure FrankenPHP—a modern PHP app server, written in Go and designed to accelerate your PHP applications—on Platform.sh with a quick and easy step-by-step guide. 

Please note: The processes/commands in the Up(sun) and running with FrankenPHP tutorial can be adapted for your Platform.sh project by replacing upsun CLI by platform CLI.

Let’s dive in and explore how you can get started using FrankenPHP on Platform.sh…

Click here to discover the full tutorial.

Utilizing FrankenPHP on Platform.sh is a strategic approach to modernize your PHP projects, offering significant performance boosts and seamless integration. However, it’s essential to proceed cautiously. Ensure your application is thoroughly tested and the switch fits into your optimization strategy. 

Remember to test rigorously, optimize strategically, and don’t hesitate to share your insights with the wider PHP community. 

Happy FrankenPHP’ing, let’s dive in.

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