has a comprehensive library of pre-made application templates for you to use when starting a project. While helpful in letting you launch apps and sites with little effort, the available templates might not meet your exact design needs.
That’s why we’ve introduced the ability to create custom templates to add to your catalog. Custom template catalogs let you define an application template to address a specific use case that is repeated across your business. You can then initialize new projects from one of these predefined templates and have them ready to launch in no time.
Do you have a specific microsite design you use to promote new campaigns? Do you have a family of applications all built from the same framework? Does each of your brand sites have its own design look? Create a custom template around your common use cases and generate new sites in minutes.
Every project you build will be from a template using tools familiar to your support staff and vetted by your security team. A catalog of custom templates gives your IT team the governance and oversight it needs to support your growing portfolio. That’s crucial if you’re managing dozens or hundreds of applications. Customized templates provide you the control to design, launch, and maintain an entire fleet of web applications as easily as you would one.
And though these customized templates will be unique to you, they’ll still come equipped with all the powerful features of For example, with our pioneering Source Operations feature, any site created from a template can automatically pull down security updates and patches from its dependencies and accept new features or modules from the upstream repository.
Custom template catalogs are available to our Elite customers. If you’re interested in learning more about how to customize your template catalog or about our pricing tiers, contact our sales team.