Remote: the future of work is now
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Did you have to adjust to working from home from one to the other day when the Coronavirus hit the globe? Millions of businesses and employees have started to "go remote" but working from home doesn't necessarily equal remote work. What does remote actually mean for an organization?
In this webinar, Yahya M. Mao and Christian Nussbaumer uncover the challenges and opportunities of remote work in an organizational, operational, cultural, and human context. The two longtime remote workers will share practical advice to accelerate the digital transformation of your business and prepare your organization for the future of work – which is now.
Key takeaways:
- Why remote work is here to stay, regardless of COVID-19.
- How to avoid common mistakes and overcome the challenges of working remotely.
- What remote work means to the digital transformation agenda of your company and the overall economy.
- Productivity worries? How to lead your remote teams efficiently rather than micromanaging them.