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    • Switching to Platform.sh can help IT/DevOps organizations drive 219% ROI
    • Organizations, the ultimate way to manage your users and projects
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Trust CenterlegalFree & Open Source Disclaimer

Free & Open Source Disclaimer

As a Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider, Platform.sh and Upsun primarily offer hosting services, granting users access to a diverse array of packages housed in repositories. We empower our users by providing them the flexibility to install their chosen packages into their environments, mirroring the process they would follow on their own servers. Applications and services deployed by our users utilize their own code stored in their own Git repositories. In addition, the services provided by Platform.sh include open source and copy-left licensed packages, along with some packages with multiple licenses.

Important Notes:

  1. Copy-left Licenses: For copy-left licenses to take effect, two conditions must be met: creating a derivative work and distributing it. Using these packages in our platform constitutes neither. Therefore, our users have no open source and copy-left license legal risk induced by the use of our services.
  2. Customer Considerations: Users should always consider the licensing obligations of the software they deploy on our platform. These obligations would be the same if they were to run the software on their own servers.


Some specific cases (e.g., Java, MongoDB, Redis) may require multi-level agreements to comply with their licenses. It is the customer’s responsibility to determine the applicability of their use cases. Those licenses are freely available from the various packages on the internet. Platform.sh does not change anything, we simply make them available.

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