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Controlling DevOps costs with Platform.sh as your virtual DevOps teams



You can spin up one or multiple projects right from the command line or from your management console, with no upfront costs. You'll get a clear estimate for the monthly price of the plan straight away, and receive a ready-to-go remote environment without any definition on your end. You can then change the size of your plan with a single command when you expect demand will be high, and after your big sale return to a smaller plan the same way. With your plan in place, no time is spent setting up testing environments. Platform.sh takes care of that for every branch you want to test, and you'll have them up and running in minutes. Just commit your changes to the new branch, and push to the project. By default, newly pushed environments do not fully deploy, but all you need to do is activate that branch's environment with a single command: platform environment: activate. There are no separate charges to add one of our many managed services to your application, just add its corresponding configuration. Here, we're adding Redis for our application level caching by first defining it in our services.yaml file. Then, we add a relationship between our application and the Redis service in our .platform.app.yaml file. With those changes applied, all that's needed is to commit and push to Platform.sh, and then our environment will contain the new service ready for testing. Platform.sh provides clear configuration, and handles all security updates and infrastructure, so that you and your team can focus on what matters: your application. And if you get stuck anywhere along the way, we've got infrastructure support to respond to your support tickets 24/7. With Platform.sh, you don't just get hosting. You get an on demand DevOps team that relieves you from handling hardware and orchestrating your infrastructure. So you can get back to developing new features for your application and gain greater control of your DevOps costs at the same time.

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