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    • Switching to Platform.sh can help IT/DevOps organizations drive 219% ROI
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How cloud services spending will impact the hosting industry

17 June, 2022

Platform.sh CEO and Co-Founder Fred Plais and others weigh in on the effects of increased spending on the hosting industry. Read the article at HostingAdvice.com.

About Platform.sh

Platform.sh is a cloud-based web application hosting platform, a leader in the management of fleets of websites and applications. Its innovative deployment platform allows teams in charge of eCommerce sites, media sites, innovative and high-traffic applications to focus their efforts on developing and improving their applications, without having to worry about infrastructure issues (scalability, continuous deployment, maintenance, security, 24/7 monitoring, etc.). Platform.sh is available in Europe, the United States and Asia, through global partnerships with AWS, Google, Azure, Orange and OVHcloud.

The company, winner of the European Commission's H2020 program, recently recognized by Numeum as part of the Top 250 for its international growth, member of the French Tech 120 and Gaia-X and certified "Great Place to Work", has its head office in Paris (France) and San Francisco and counts among its customers prestigious brands such as the Financial Times, Gap, Unity3D, Adobe Magento, Orange, Hachette, The British Council.

For more information, please contact:
CCgroup for Platform.sh
Ryan O’Leary / Matthew Denby (UK)
T: +44 7890 049769
E: platform.sh@ccgrouppr.com

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