To ensure the best possible experience at future conferences and events, we may ask you, with your explicit consent, to voluntarily provide us with any dietary restrictions and disability accommodations you may require.
Therefore, we have updated our privacy policy, which you can read in full here, to version 7.3.
This new change accounts for the accommodations described above.
Just so you know, in section two of the old privacy policy, “Information We Collect,” it used to say: “We do not process any special categories of personal data or sensitive personal information.”
Now, the new version states:
“We do not explicitly collect any special categories of personal data or sensitive personal information through our standard sites and services. However, we may collect special categories of personal data or sensitive personal information if you have signed up to attend a conference hosted by and have explicitly consented to the processing of your data regarding dietary restrictions or disability accommodations.”
So what does giving your consent look like in regards to attending events?
Basically, during the event signup, you will simply agree to provide your health data if you require an accommodation. Or not! If you have no such requirements, then there’s nothing to worry about.
Of course, there’s nothing to worry about if you do need accommodation, either. Your information will stay private and secure, and GDPR-compliant.
And if, in the future, you happen to change your mind, then you can revoke your consent at any time via email. Afterwards, we will delete your sensitive data from our storage. It’s all pretty snappy.
If you have any questions about this privacy policy change, please contact us or visit our trust center to read about our privacy and security practices.
And please stay tuned for more exciting updates in the future! 🚀