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Slate.fr revived its DevOps approach with Platform.sh

11 May, 2017

Ever since the internet and mobile changed the media landscape - making it easier to disseminate news - it is imperative that media companies’ web estates are highly available and have fast deployment capabilities to respond to high traffic peaks. Important news and events such as the presidential and general elections, Brexit and the EU, and viral content like cat videos drive tons of web traffic.

Facing today’s information age, Slate.fr’s mission is to offer exclusive, real-time information to its customers on its website.

"We wanted to discover new tools and benefit from more test environments, but also to have additional server resources immediately in real-time in case of breaking news," said François Pottier, technical director at Slate.fr.

As Slate.fr’s old service provider was unable to keep pace with technical improvements, the company chose Platform.sh to manage its website. Slate.fr found the solution offered by Platform.sh and managed by Orange very attractive in terms of technology, notably regarding DevOps.

"Overall velocity from development of features into production deployment has increased 30-40%, dramatically impacting time to market for new features and bug fixes."

The migration to Platform.sh lasted around three weeks and permitted Slate.fr to rapidly benefit from our DevOps’ proactivity during critical times to cover news such as the US and French presidential elections.

Here is the article translation:

Slate.fr choses Platform.sh for its DevOps approach by Benoit Huet - 03 Mai 2017

The website Slate.fr decided to choose Platform.sh, a french PaaS on continuous deployment for its own DevOps approach.

“Fast deployments, high availability, and pricing were the three elements differentiating our choice for the continuous deployment cloud hosting platform offered by Platform.sh and hosted by Orange,” said François Pottier, technical director at Slate.fr.

Slate.fr, a publishing site with additional outlets in French-speaking Africa, is celebrating its 8th birthday and employs about 25 people. Built with Drupal, Slate.fr’s website was originally managed by another host, but for economic and technical reasons the media company decided to change service providers. "We disagreed on several points with our former host. And based on the services we received we thought we were paying too much. We wanted to discover new tools and to benefit from more test environments, but also to obtain additional server resources in real time in case of overheating activity", states François Pottier. In light of these observations, Slate.fr set out looking for a vendor capable of meeting its needs. Once Slate.fr came across Platform.sh the team was quickly seduced by the vendor's Devops approach. Moreover, the geographical proximity with Platform.sh, which is headquartered in Paris, has reinforced the choice of Slate.fr.

On-the-fly creation of environments

"The creation of several development environments on-the-fly along with the fact that Platform.sh’s team is very proactive in terms of support perfectly confirmed our choice," says François Pottier. For Slate.fr the time savings is real.  Overall velocity from development of features into production deployment has increased 30-40%, dramatically impacting time to market for new features and bug fixes. Several projects have been developed with this Devops approach on Platform.sh.

Among other benefits of Devops provided by Platform.sh, Slate.fr appreciates its provider’s proactivity. "In case of peak traffic, for example to cover the presidential election, Platform.sh is able to immediately allocate more server resources to us," explains François Pottier. "Their Devops organization also allows us to always have the perfect support at all levels according to our needs." It should be noted that the migration to Platform.sh, which started around September 20, 2016 lasted about three weeks.

Read the original article in French.

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