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UI version 2.10 released

07 June, 2016
Aaron Dudenhofer
Aaron Dudenhofer
Product Engineer

It has been a while since we have made an announcement about UI updates. But today, we’re happy to anounce a new release for the Platform.sh web interface. We are constantly working on improving the user experience based on feedback that we receive from you through support tickets, chat, and at events and conferences. The latest round of improvements are based on accessibility, better messages, and better display of the activity logs.

Accessibility improvements

A lot of work has gone into this latest release to make the user interface more accessible. We improved some of the contrasts of our fonts and tested every page of not just the front interface, but also the environment and project settings interfaces. There were too many elements that were displayed only on hover states, and these were not accessible. Now everything should be accessible should you need to tab through the interface.

Accessibility improvements

Improved messages

We have improved many of the messages that appear when an error occurs, verifying an action, or if access is blocked. (Have you ever wondered why your domains tab was disabled?) We’ve also updated the action links to help users know what to do next when one of these messages appear.

There were previously “Connection Lost” errors occuring and some errors that had resulted in blank pages that have been fixed to display the appropriate message. This is something that we will continue to be improving on as we introduce new features to reduce the potential for confusion as much as possible.

Improved messages

Log messages

One of the larger requests that we have recieved was to improve the display of the logs in the activity stream. So we have moved this information out of the small dropdown and into a larger modal popup. We have also added a copy to clipboard link to make it easier to share the log information when you need assistance.

Improved messages

We’re constantly working at improving our interface, and we love hearing feedback from you. Don’t hesitate to open a ticket if you find something that doesn’t make sense or something that could be improved!

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