E10 Meilisearch and choosing a search engine for your application
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Search engines are a necessary feature of most applications today, and there are plenty of industry-leading options (such as Elasticsearch and Algolia) that are ready to be added to your apps on Platform.sh. However, these services themselves require a level of expertise to configure correctly, and in the end an amount of effort that may not be appropriate for getting small or medium-sized applications off the ground. Meilisearch is attempting to fill this niche, providing an executable, fast, and easily customizable search engine written in Rust to fit these perhaps more common use cases. Platform.sh recently deployed Meilisearch on our public documentation, which not only quickly added a great search engine to our docs, but also enabled us to implement cross-site search that indexes all of our Platform.sh resources for our users. We'll discuss that launch, Meilisearch and its place and plans in the larger search engine space, as well as how they are orienting their open source project in their larger business plan.
Guest Presenters
- Thomas Payet, Meilisearch COO
- Erlend Sogge Heggen, Meilisearch Developer Relations