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New: Go release 1.13 on Platform.sh

New: Go release 1.13 on Platform.sh

04 September, 2019
Larry Garfield
Larry Garfield
Director of Developer Experience

The team behind Go has released version 1.13 of the network-friendly language. That means it's time for us to release it, too. x If you're running Go on Platform.sh, you can now upgrade to the new 1.13 release with one character change. Update your .platform.app.yaml file like so:

type: golang:1.13

And your next git push will build with Go 1.13. Easy peasy.

Go tends to be extremely stable on version upgrades, so we recommend this upgrade to all Go-using customers. And if you're not a Go-using customer, this is a good opportunity to Go give it a try.

What's new?

Go releases tend to not have dramatic new features, but there are still some improvements worth noting.

  • Go Modules have been improved with tools to help manage private packages.
  • Go also now supports number literals, making it easier to write integers in non-base-10 formats. For instance, 0b1101 is the binary number 1101 (aka 13 for human counters).
  • Literal numbers may also now have a digit separator anywhere in their value, making long numbers easier to read. For instance, 1_000_000 is a legal way to write the integer for 1 million.
  • Shift operations now work on signed integers.

See the Go 1.13 release notes for the full details.

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