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Blackfire is now even closer to home!

30 June, 2023

As you probably already know, Blackfire and Platform.sh  joined forces back in June 2021. And since then our collective teams have been working together to provide a seamless integration for a complete Git workflow and Observability solution.

Blackfire was already part of the Platform.sh product experience for Enterprise and Elite users for quite some time now thanks to the Platform.sh Observability suite. However,  Professional customers still needed a separate subscription to access our PHP and Python performance profiling, monitoring, and testing tool.

Well, that changes today! 

Blackfire has now set up camp directly within the Platform.sh UI where you can add the tool to your application’s project from within the Console.

We strongly believe having such a powerful Observability tool available right from the start of any Python or PHP application project is key for its success and that’s why we’re making it happen. Ensuring good performance during the initial development–and during the whole application lifecycle–is a best practice that we encourage every developer to follow.

With Blackfire now directly available when creating a Platform.sh project, we hope to help our users avoid performance issues before they arise and negatively impact customers. We’re proud to be the unique provider of such a complete suite that allows our users to develop, deploy, host, secure, profile, and monitor their applications with a single subscription.

You can get Blackfire right from the start or at any stage of the application’s lifecycle when ordered via Platform.sh. This is a solid way to save time and money compared to the separate offers. You get a single order, a single workspace, a single billing system, and not a single headache during setup. 

Of course, this package offers the complete profiling and automation functionalities of Blackfire with all of the add-ons included. Not to mention the integration ensures that all users and environments are automatically synchronized. Even better, monitoring is included for all Platform.sh production plans.

If you want to know more, and learn how Blackfire can help you optimize your applications and deliver the best possible user experience with your apps, here’s a detailed article series from the Blackfire blog on how to get started with the Blackfire test suite

Welcome home, Blackfire!

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