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The Platform.sh build-and-deploy pipeline

03 October, 2017
Christopher Skene
Christopher Skene
Regional Business Development Manager Asia Pacific

A repeatable and consistent build-and-deploy pipeline is an essential part of any modern web application. Platform.sh has this philosophy at the heart of it’s design, tying configuration, code and build artifacts together using Git semantics.

Build? What Build? This is not C++?!

Part of what explains the huge success of web technologies is the simplicity and low barrier to entry presented by the model of dynamic script languages. With Ruby, Python and PHP you could just upload files to a server (and in PHP’s case you didn’t even need to start a daemon) and it would just work. But that model introduced a number of problems...

“I know PHP! How hard could running an exchange be?” never goes anywhere good.

As David Gerard notes about the Mt. Gox bitcoins exchange heist, without structure and method bad stuff happens. No serious developer would develop an application these days without having some tooling. First and foremost dependency management: you want a consistent process to pull updated versions of 3rd party libraries that your project uses, with as little friction and effort as possible, so you can quickly apply any and all security fixes. If you can’t apply security hotfixes as soon as they are out, you are going to get hacked. It’s not an “if” question, it is a “when” question. ”When” usually being sooner than you’d like. Without that... well you get an Equifax (and you don’t want to be an Equifax).

But often it doesn’t end there. More and more technologies, even dynamic scripty ones, rely on a compile/build phase. This is true not only for front-end applications but also for things like NodeJS backends, where TypeScript, CoffeeScript and a billion other things transpile into other things.

Javascript is a compile target not a programming language

— Nick Main ? (@_nickmain) September 3, 2017

We also see how much compiled languages are gaining traction; languages like Golang (which you can run on Platform.sh now too), Crystal, or Elixir.

In the modern world go Build Or Go Bust!

Build artifacts are components of your web application that are generated when you compile it. While some applications have compilation at the heart of their design, many popular web languages eschewed this approach in favour of dynamic runtimes and generally only use this approach with external shared components or libraries.

With Platform.sh, you don’t just get a few build artifacts in your project directory, your entire application is an artifact of development . This artifact is stored and reused wherever the same git commit is deployed to a new environment, so simply by using Platform.sh’s standard build tools, you get a consistent and repeatable build on every git branch.

Understanding this pipeline and how it works will help you build better web applications on Platform.sh, and is also the key to knowing how to integrate with other services that you use (as well as when you no longer need them).

How it works

When you push a new change to Platform.sh, we take your code in Git and move it through a number of steps to turn it into a running, “built” application. These steps can be broadly broken down into two phases, the build phase, and the deploy phase.

The build process will run the “build flavor” (if present), install dependencies, then run the user-provided build hook.

The deploy process will run the deploy hook.

All these properties are defined in the `.platform.app.yaml` file, and documented in our online documentation, and there’s also a screencast of this build process in action.

The Build phase

The Build phase is where we do all the heavy lifting to prepare your application for deployment. It’s where we load external resources, pack assets, add dependencies and do any tasks which require the filesystem to be writable. During the build phase, your application can access the network, for example for doing a `composer install` but is not remotely accessible or available on the internet, and does not have any of its running Services (databases, search indexes) attached.

In the build phase we do three things:

  1. Install any listed system-level dependencies.

  2. For PHP and NodeJS projects, run tasks defined for the build flavor, for example `composer install`. All other project types currently ignore this step.

  3. Run a build hook, defined in your build hook in your .platform.app.yaml file.

The build hook is where you perform steps that require dynamic code generation or file system access, for example:

  • Installing dependencies, e.g using npm, yarn, composer, bower, or pip

  • Compiling static assets that won’t change, e.g. sass, through gulp or grunt

  • Running static code tests, e.g. phpunit

Here's the build hook from our example Symfony repository...

hooks:   build: |   rm web/app_dev.php   bin/console --env=prod assets:install --no-debug

At the end of the build phase, your application should be completely built and ready to deploy. At this point, it will be made read-only.

The Deploy phase

The deploy phase is run after the application container has been started. You can access other services at this stage (database, search service, etc.). The disk where the application lives is read-only at this point. Incoming requests are paused while the deployment runs.

During the Deploy phase we run only one user-definable step:

  1. Run a deploy hook, if provided in your .platform.app.yaml file.

Deploy hooks are where you run commands that prepare your applications services and dynamic assets. For example:

  • Clear your caches

  • Run database migrations and updates

  • Build dynamically generated assets that are stored on file mounts

  • Hook into third-party testing tools

Here's the deploy hook from our example Symfony repository...

hooks:   deploy: |   bin/console --env=prod cache:clear

If everything goes well and your hooks execute correctly, your environment is now moved into place and replaces the running environment, and you can see the results of the deploy hook in the /var/log/deploy.log file when logged in to the environment via SSH.  (If everything doesn’t go well, be glad that it was so simple for you to test out this deploy process in a development branch before merging into production)


With Platform.sh, you get powerful, easy-to-use WebOps and continuous deployment tools that allow you to manage complex pipelines easily from git commit through to a running environment.  The Build and Deploy phases are the key to understanding how you can get the maximum value from this pipeline, and where to add your own integrations and code.

In future guides we’ll look at how to integrate with third-party testing tools, how to run tests in the build pipeline, and other integrations.

Further reading

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